Acupuncture is based on the belief that an energy, or ‘life force’, flows through the body in channels called meridians. This life force is known as Qi (pronounced ‘chee’). Practitioners who adhere to traditional beliefs about acupuncture believe that when Qi cannot flow freely through the body, this can cause illness. They also believe that acupuncture can restore the flow of Qi, and so restore health.
Some scientists and acupuncturists believe that acupuncture may stimulate nerves and muscle tissue, and that this may be responsible for the beneficial effects.
Acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of health conditions. Here at the Physiotherapy Room Holmfirth we use it as an adjunct to treatment for musculoskeletal problems commonly conditions such as headache, neck pain, TMJ disorder, sciatica and lower back pain it also helps with stress and anxiety.
Acupuncture is viewed as complimentary therapy however based on scientific evidence and guidelines including guidelines from the NHS. we regularly use it as an adjunct to treatment to gain it added benefits
Acupuncture is one of the safest medical treatments on offer in the UK. Any minor side effects that do occur, such as dizziness or bruising around needle points, are mild and self-correcting. The British Medical Journal in 2001 concluded that the risk of a serious adverse reaction to acupuncture is less than 1 in 10,000
For a comprehensive list of conditions acupuncture can assist with look here
NHS overview of acupuncture here
Frequently Asked Questions
How does acupuncture work?